Jimmy Goes to the Movies

The Mystery Marauders

The Return of the Mystery Marauders

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Check out the video at the top of the page, "The Mystery Marauders", that the King of Thabno created with his squire.

We Got Not to Allow It!

Isn't Sarah Palin a strange person.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

New Nothing

I'm sorry to all of my fans out there that I haven't blogged in a while, because I've been busy or it's been too hot to turn on the computer. For the past couple of days my brother was out of town, so I have been doing a lot... well, a lot of nothing. I've also been working on a new XNA game with lego people, and a lego movie.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


I'm supposed to have thoughts about nothing on this blog, but today I don't have any thoughts about nothing. Ummm... I went to the beach today for the first time this summer.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Why I Don't Consider Golf A Sport

Why I don't consider golf a sport: You don't get any excercise or work as a team in any way.
Why you might argue: You get excercise by walking from hole to hole.
My response: Then what are golf carts for?

More Great (And A Little Strange) Summer

Yesterday I finished my XNA game. Two days of work with six levels! I can also add another level in about a minute.

Anyways, on Monday night I was watching Jay Leno, and Gabriel Iglesias was on. He's a hilarious comedian that I have a clip of at the bottom of this page.

This last thing doesn't really go with the name of the blog, because it's a thought about something. So if you read this, remember to think about nothing. Baseball is a strange sport. It's the only sport where a person score points (by reaching home plate) instead of the ball (like in soccer, golf, etc.). Also baseball is the only sport that is played on a field that only has half of it filled with grass. This is because baseball players are cheap and can't afford a full field of grass. It's also the only sport that doesn't keep track of time. (I don't consider golf a sport, but that's another story.) This is because baseball players can't keep track of time. Lastly, baseball teaches bad ethics. It isn't a team sport for one team because only one player does anything at one time (the batter). As for the other team, it teaches them to be bullies because they are all teaming up together against one guy. This is why I don't like baseball and, as you can probably tell, don't play it.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Second Day of Summer Vacation

Yay! More summer!
Today I was working quite a bit on my XNA game. I also made some chocolate ice cream:

Cream Cheese Ice Cream
Active time: 5 min. --- Start to Finish: 2-1/2 hr (includes freezing)
Makes about 1 qt.

-8 oz cream cheese, softened
-1 cup milk
-1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice*
-3/4 cup sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup heavy cream
Special Equipment: an ice cream maker

*To make chocolate ice cream, take out lemon juice and add cocoa powder.

Blend cream cheese, milk, lemon juice, sugar, and salt in a blender until smooth. Transfer to a bowl, then stir in cream. Freeze cream cheese mixture in ice cream maker. Transfer to an airtight container and put in freezer to harden, at least 2 hours. Let ice cream soften 5 minutes befor serving.

Gabriel Iglesias "Drunk Driving & Presidential Elections"